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Belarus to act upon some OSCE ODIHR recommendations for organizing parliamentary elections


Some of the recommendations made by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights will be taken into account during the organization of the parliamentary elections in Belarus. Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina made the statement after the government conference held by the head of state on 27 April, BelTA has learned.
According to Lidia Yermoshina, over 30 recommendations have been made. Belarusian election laws need to be amended if all of them are to be implemented the way the OSCE has formulated them. It is impractical for now. “This is why some of the recommendations, which are close to our election system and the Constitution, will be implemented. The recommendations that do not require legislation amendments will be acted upon during these elections. We are just going to improve the law enforcement practice,” said the head of the Belarusian election organization agency.
“However, after the elections — the head of state has agreed to it — another government conference will be held to decide on measures to amend the election legislation. Legislators will be able to act more decisively then,” stated Lidia Yermoshina.
Speaking about which OSCE recommendations will be acted upon during the forthcoming election campaign, the CEC mentioned several things. “In essence the OSCE ODIHR has drawn attention to the improvement of three procedures they believe to be important. The formation of election commissions needs to be improved. The review of election disputes and the vote count procedure need to be more transparent. All these recommendations will be taken into account to a degree for this election campaign,” said Lidia Yermoshina.

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