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Lukashenko hails big progress in Belarus-Uzbekistan relations


The relations with Uzbekistan are increasingly vibrant, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with Speaker of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Nigmatilla Yuldoshev on 13 June, BelTA has learned.
“Within a year or maybe a bit more, if we speak about the new era as I often describe it to my friend Shavkat (Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. – BelTA's note), we have made even more progress that there was in the past 20 years. And I have made a minimum contribution to it. This is the achievement of your president. He is a smart and talented person who saw the whole world as the prime minister, evaluated the situation not only along the Minsk-Tashkent axis but also in other directions, and did a lot to ensure progress,” the head of state said. “I told him about it at the SCO summit. It seems to me that other countries in the world and especially post-Soviet states did not manage to do what you have done in international relations having put them on the rails of the economy. You have done great progress over these years. You have opened your country to the whole world and got maximum benefits form it.”
Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that the main achievements of Uzbekistan are in the economy. “Diplomacy, politics are good things. It is always good to talk. But it is much more important to have tangible results. And you have made it. This is the greatest achievement of your government. The relations between Belarus and Uzbekistan testify to the breakthrough of Uzbekistan on the international arena and in international relations,” the President remarked.
The head of state spoke in positive terms about the development of bilateral relations and fulfillment of plans. The leaders previously agreed that the sides should advance their cooperation before the presidents' meeting within the framework of the official visit.
Alexander Lukashenko remarked that, of course, there are enough problems in any state. However, he is convinced that Uzbekistan will manage to overcome acute problems within five years because the country has a big human potential, good climatic conditions and is doing its best to modernize the economy and the society.
“But you should remember that we are not outside observers of these processes. Of course, we are happy for your achievements. We are active supporters and, if you want, can be the driving force for the progress in Uzbekistan. You can count on us,” the Belarusian leader assured.
Nigmatilla Yuldoshev, in turn, stressed that people in Uzbekistan respect the Belarusian president very much and are happy for the country's achievements and its growing international authority. “We know and appreciate that you have paid and are paying much attention to the development of cooperation between our countries and nations. Besides, we will always remember that in the moment of deep sorrow for our nation you visited Uzbekistan to pay tribute to our first President Islam Karimov,” he said.
The legal framework of Belarus-Uzbekistan relations includes almost 60 agreements. The sides vigorously cooperate in the United Nations format, the OSCE and other international organizations. The bilateral cooperation is increasingly vibrant.
In 2017, the bilateral trade more than doubled over the level of 2016 to reach $130.9 million. The export made up $96.1 million (268.2%), the import totaled $34.8 million (124.7%). The same tendency can be seen in 2018. In January-April the countries' trade turnover went up 2.3 times over the same period of 2017 to $62.1 million. The trade in services made up $9.2 million.
In 2018, Belarus exported tractors and tractor units, car and tractor parts, sugar, chassis and engines, fiberboards, timber, specialized and agricultural vehicles, road construction equipment. Belarus' major exports were cotton yarn, dried fruit, cars, juices, etc.
Twenty-three companies with Belarusian founders have been registered in Uzbekistan. Assembly plants for Belarusian equipment Amkodor-Agrotekhmash and UzBelAgromash were set up on the territory of Uzbekistan in 2017. There are 62 organizations founded by Uzbekistani legal entities and individuals in Belarus.

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