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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

Operating mode:

8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


In Belarus in 2018 is planned to collect more than 1 million tons of grain of corn


2B of Belarus in 2018 is planned to collect more than 1 million tons of grain of corn, "The rural newspaper" the Minister of Agriculture and Food Leonid Zayats has reported in an interview , BELTA reports.
the Minister has emphasized that this year there will be enough grain to ensure food security. "Besides, in the country there is still a stock of a last year's harvest. We hope to compensate reduction of collecting grains by corn grain which it is supposed to collect more than one million tons. Therefore there will be no problems and with fodder", he said.
From the first hay crop over the country slightly more forages, than are prepared a year ago. "But the June drought has created problems with growth of herbs. In July the situation has improved, but rains don't give the chance to conduct preparation by high rates. The task to all farms is set to provide full-fledged diets to animals that there was no transfer of forages in the winter. Now actively grow herbs of the second and third hay crops, one-year, good views of corn will become a reserve. In a word, there are prerequisites to prepare necessary quantity of forages", - Leonid Zayats has noted.
In the current year it is necessary to construct 1723 trenches in which it is possible to place nearly 3,5 million tons of forages. 536 such storages, the others in a construction stage are already built. By October 1 all trenches will be ready, the minister has told.

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