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Lukashenka focuses problem enterprises on the development of import-substituting industries


President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko directs troubled enterprises on the development of import-substituting industries. He said this today, taking personnel decisions, the correspondent of BelTA. "I do not have time to return, they tell me that holding companies in Orsha will organize something else." In general, they want to unite the hedgehog with the toad, you do not have to practice in these holdings, there's nothing to hide there. If the enterprise is lame, if it needs to be revived, focus on import substitution, "the President stressed. "There are good examples." Take Alexander Shakutin (we are talking about the holding company "Saleo", specializing in the production of hydraulics.) - We always had problems with hydraulics, he took it, and at the very least we have good hydraulics, and this is a huge layer of import substitution, "the Belarusian leader said. The head of state also touched upon the topic of import substitution using the example of the Orsha tool factory. He noted that almost every large machine-building enterprise, such as BelAZ, MAZ, MTZ, has its own tool shops. "Let's raise a large plant, we will produce it for everyone," the President said. "The enterprises should go through import substitution, so that we do not buy all the component parts for imports, and we produce at most," said the head of state. "We are glad that we have our MTZ tractor, but let's see how much localization there is in Belarus, what is the specific weight there ... Okay, metal - we will always buy. And everything else? " Alexander Lukashenko also believes that it is better for enterprises to modernize and develop import substitution on the existing production base, rather than to re-profile. "There remained people who have a concept, what is a tool, a tire and so on ... It is better to develop this product because there is a school, there are people there, and modernization is easier to implement than completely re-profiling production. head of state.

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