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MNF sees reserves for reducing the overall tax burden in the point of waiver of individual benefits


Reserves to reduce the overall tax burden can be found in the point of abandonment of the individual benefits of business entities. Such an opinion on January 6 in an interview in the program “Main air” on the TV-channel “Belarus 1” Minister of Taxes and Fees Sergey Nalyvayko stated, BelTA informs.
The Minister noted that the benefits are intended to give impetus to the development of the enterprise, to promote its release to a higher level. “Unfortunately, this often only corrupts business entities, teaches them to walk with an outstretched hand and no longer even ask for, but demand these benefits,” he stated. “Therefore, if we look carefully at individual benefits and some of them are rejected. , let's make an equal, unified approach to all business entities, then I am sure that you can look for reserves to reduce the overall tax burden. "
The new edition of the Tax Code came into force. Its developers tried to make the document as simple and clear as possible, especially for small businesses, the minister stressed. He recalled the main innovations. So, for properties that are used inefficiently, and to areas where they are located, tenfold multiplying coefficients will not be applied.
The limit for the property tax multiplier for 2019 was left 2.5 However, from 2020, this figure will be reduced to 2. At the same time, Sergei Nalyvayko noted that the overall task is to minimize all kinds of multiplying factors.
The Minister noted that more than 95% of business entities are responsible and law-abiding, they comply with tax laws. About 4% admit violations for objective reasons, and less than 1% do it consciously. The law provides for the possibility not to block the accounts of bona fide business entities, if for objective reasons they cannot, for example, make payments within the deadlines set by the legislation.
In addition, the updated NC has the following rate, as a tax reduction on dividends. If profits are distributed among the founders, the standard rate remains at 12%. If a business entity, the founder decides that within three years he does not distribute profits, but reinvests in the development of the enterprise, then the rate decreases by half and becomes 6%. If this practice is continued for five years, then the rate will be completely reset.

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