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Kopyl, Lenin square, 6

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8.30-17.30, lunch 13.00-14.00


+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41

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Kostevich: housing is the main condition for increasing the birth rate for families with children


The availability of housing for families with children is called the primary factor that affects the growth of the birth rate. This was reported to journalists today by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Irina Kostevich, before a meeting of the final board of the ministry, BelTA informs. "We have repeatedly conducted sociological studies, asked households with children what is needed to increase the birth rate. People put housing in the first place. This year a government decree has been made, and at least 12 thousand large families this year they will receive apartments. Next year, 2020, the same level was taken. If we move with such a step, we will meet the obligations assumed by the state by 2021. I think this is a very important stimulus, "said Irina Kostevich. < / p> She noted that fertility problems are due to a reduction in the number of women of childbearing age, late marriages, and a high number of divorces. “That is, we need to work on stimulating fertility and raising the prestige of family and family values. To do this, we go to schools with the Ministry of Education with an optional course on the basics of family life,” added Irina Kostevich. There will also be processed approaches to family capital. “Of course, we will extend it. The question is, under what conditions, for whom, and for how long, in what amount. If we decide on the defrosting of family capital (today it’s 18 years old), this will also be of great help for large families,” - the minister is sure. It is expected that children's benefits will be revised in the direction of gain, but in relation to the number of children. "With each child, family expenses are increasing. Therefore, our task is differentiation. See how to support large families with low incomes. The state has a priority - a large family," concluded Irina Kostevich. She noted that all the key tasks of 2018 were completed. “Really disposable cash incomes amounted to 108% by 2017,” said Irina Kostevich. “They worked quite well, but they also set serious tasks for this year.” She named the directions in which the ministry will work this year. This includes the widespread introduction of the application principle both in the field of employment and in the sphere of social services (improvement of the latter), improvement of wages in the public sector, pensions, the national qualifications system, implementation of measures to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, etc. < / p>

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