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The EEC is counting on signing a pension agreement in the EAEU in 2019


Agreement on the provision of pensions in the Eurasian Economic Union is scheduled to conclude in 2019, BelTA learned from the press service of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), with reference to a member of the Board (Minister) for Economy and Financial Policy of ECE Timur Zhaksylykova.
"Work on the agreement underway for several years, in December 2018 ended with the domestic approval of the document - said Timur Zhaksylykov -. In the near future it is planned to send to the countries of the Union for carrying out internal procedures required to sign. We hope that in 2019 the document will be signed. "
Currently, the State Pension system work differently. "Differ in their model, which circumstances the right to a pension (retirement age, length of service, individual retirement factor), as well as the size and contributions sources, - stated in the ECE -. In addition, not all countries of the union form of pension rights of workers of the EAEC in. ultimately the citizens who have worked in other Union countries lose some of their pension ".
The agreement provides that the pensions of workers will be carried out on equal terms, regardless of the country in which they worked union. It is assumed that every State will pay for the period of work experience in their territories.
Zhaksylykov Timur added that the agreement would address the export of pensions and accounting work experience in another country EAEC. "The document will contribute to increase the level of social protection of Union citizens", - summed up in the ECE.

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