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+375 (1719) 28-2-60


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Call for development strategies for troubled Belarusian companies


It is necessary to work out development strategies and determine clear prospects for troubled companies. Head of the Belarus President Administration Natalya Kochanova gave the instructions at a session of the Gomel City Executive Committee on 3 May, BelTA has learned. The session was held primarily to discuss the city's social and economic development in Q1 2019.
On the whole, the city hit all the primary targets in Q1 2019. However, a number of companies finished the quarter at a loss. Natalya Kochanova wondered what measures would be taken in this situation. “You need a strategy. You need to determine prospects for each company like that,” she said. Natalya Kochanova also pointed out that as they deal with these issues, municipal government agencies should work together with central government agencies so that they would not have “to put out fires” later on, the way it was done in Orsha.
According to Natalya Kochanova, it is necessary to analyze how such companies work to reduce costs, how much their manufacturing premises are used, and so on. “It is necessary to look at things in combination. Our job is to reach out to every person, which means every organization, every enterprise,” the head of the Belarus President Administration told participants of the session.
For instance, while talking about development prospects of OAO 8 Marta, which is working on a new investment project, Natalya Kochanova stressed it is necessary to clearly think about ways to sell merchandise and take a close look at export markets. “We don't want investments for the sake of investments these days. You have to see prospects,” the head of the Belarus President Administration noted. In her words, Belarusian sewn products have always been a brand of the country, this is why it is necessary to analyze in what segment every company will operate. It is a good idea to do the same with regard to other industries, too.
Natalya Kochanova reminded about the standing instruction to raise the average salary in Gomel up to Br1,000. In January-March salaries in the city averaged Br954.6. Deputy Chairman of the Gomel City Executive Committee Sergei Andreyev explained that it looks feasible to raise the average salary to Br1,000 in June. Working conditions should be kept in mind as well as the average salary, Natalya Kochanova reminded.
Addressing participants of the session, Natalya Kochanova drew attention of the city administration and directors of companies to the need to clean up and beautify both populated localities and companies. It should be done every day, she added.
Natalya Kochanova stressed that during the working trip to Gomel Oblast close attention was paid to the fulfillment of the head of state's instructions, in particular, instructions concerning such important things as employment, prices, and salaries. “Today you just have to do your jobs: all the tasks have been formulated, clearly specified for every industry in various documents. Both strategy and tactics have been stipulated,” the head of the Belarus President Administration explained.

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