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Lukashenko receives credentials of 9 ambassadors


Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has received credentials of ambassadors representing nine countries. The ceremony took place in the Palace of Independence on 20 May, BelTA has learned.

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has received credentials of ambassadors representing nine countries. The ceremony took place in the Palace of Independence on 20 May, BelTA has learned.
The credentials were presented by the diplomats from Benin, Brazil, Denmark, Spain, Yemen, the Republic of Korea, Malta, Slovenia, and Uganda.
Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that Belarus values relations with each of these states.
On Denmark
The president stated that Denmark is a promising partner and Belarus is going to make cooperation with this country more efficient.
“Our common goal is maintaining peace and stability in Europe. It is important to hold a dialogue with Denmark on this and other matters of the bilateral agenda, to expand partnerships in trade, investment and energy efficiency,” the Belarusian leader said.
On Spain
Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Belarus sets great store by strengthening cooperation with Spain. A testimony to that is the appointment of Belarus' first ambassador to Madrid in February this year.
“I am convinced that opening a full diplomatic representation of Spain in Minsk would benefit bilateral relations,” the president said
On Malta
The head of state believes that Belarus is able to make substantial progress in promoting cooperation with Malta. Being a relatively small country in terms of territory and population, Malta plays a very important role in the European Union.
“I am sure our countries could identify many common interests, build up political and business cooperation, implement joint projects, including those that provide for penetrating the markets of third countries,” he said.
On Slovenia
Over recent years Belarus and Slovenia have managed to build a solid foundation for expanding bilateral cooperation. This country has proved many times that it is a friend for Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized. He thanked Slovenia for supporting Belarus in its efforts to normalize relations with the European Union.
“Belarus-Slovenia business partnerships have always been intensive and efficient. Our business people are ready for new joint projects in power engineering, pharmaceutics, agriculture, construction and other sectors,” the head of state said.
On Brazil
The president stated that cooperation with Brazil remains one of Belarus' priorities in Latin America. Belarus will focus on strengthening a political dialogue, boosting trade, and setting up joint ventures.
“We believe that the work of the ambassador will help take Belarus-Brazil relations to a brand-new level that matches the potential of the two states,” the Belarusian president said.
On Yemen
“Yemen used to be one of Belarus' major partners in the Arab world. Unfortunately, the contacts were suspended because of the dramatic deterioration of the military and political situation there,” the president noted.
He emphasized that Belarus is ready to help Yemen return to normalcy by supplying there anything that Belarus produces.
On the Republic of Korea
Belarus seeks further expansion of mutually beneficial relations with the Republic of Korea, in particular when it comes to innovations. “We invite Korean investors to implement their hi-tech projects in Belarus and intensify cooperation in education and tourism,” the head of state said.
On Benin
Belarus views Benin as a promising trade and economic partner in West Africa, the president noted.
“The two countries would benefit from a more vibrant cooperation and stable economic growth. Belarus is ready to offer a broad range of machinery, consumer goods and foodstuffs, as well as education services, to your country. We expect Benin to put forward its suggestions and initiatives,” he said.
On Uganda
Aleksandr Lukashenko reaffirmed Belarus' interest in stepping up cooperation with Uganda. Some of promising avenues of cooperation include supplies of Belarus-made sophisticated machinery that is popular on the African market, as well as establishment of joint assembly factories, the head of state believes.
“We count on the new ambassador to implement other projects, as well, for example, training of Ugandan specialists in Belarus, cooperation in agriculture, healthcare, defense and culture,” he noted.
Aleksandr Lukashenko congratulated the ambassadors on the start of their diplomatic mission. The Belarusian leader underlined that he believes that their professionalism and active involvement will help intensify, expand and refresh cooperation with Belarus.

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