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Belarus is interested in the experience of foreign countries in the field of constitutional law - Lukashenko


Belarus is interested in the experience of foreign countries in the field of constitutional law. The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, said this today at a meeting with the leaders of the constitutional courts of foreign countries, BelTA reports. The President noted that Belarus is hosting a representative forum on modern constitutional issues in a landmark year for the country - the 25th anniversary of the Constitution. development of states. "We highly appreciate your willingness to share our experience in the field of constitutional justice. It is certainly interesting for us," the head of state stated. Alexander Lukashenko highlighted the participation in the forum of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, with which Belarus is building quite constructive interaction. “We count on the continuation of international cooperation in this field,” said the President. The head of state stressed the relevance of the issues of law, their importance for the creation of a just society, where every citizen is under reliable protection of the state, and the inviolability of the political structure is guaranteed by the Basic Law. "The rule of law in the state, compliance with its norms and principles at all levels of political, social and spiritual life of people is a sign of a highly developed society," the head of state noted. Alexander Lukashenko said that the Constitution adopted in Belarus a quarter of a century ago gave a powerful impetus to the establishment of democratic institutions in the country. "The same age of the Basic Law of the Constitutional Court contributes to strengthening our statehood," he said. "The most important authority of our Constitutional Court is the adoption of annual messages on the state of constitutional legality. This is the main legal act of our Constitutional Court, I'm sure, in one form or another (There is a similar legal act. - Approx. BELTA.) The conclusions and proposals for the development of the legal system of the state voiced in them are a significant factor in improving the rule-making and law-enforcement ce ". The head of state explained that the message of the Constitutional Court is annually voiced in parliament in the presence of representatives of all branches of government, and the proposals contained in it are subject to strict implementation. The President emphasized the special role of legislation in the life of society and the responsibility of those who develop laws and monitor their implementation. "Laws are living matter. They decide the fate of people, countries and the world. From you all who create, improve and, most importantly, control the observance of these laws, it depends on how harmoniously modern society will develop, how fair will the world in which we live ", - Alexander Lukashenko stressed. However, the head of state noted with regret that in the modern world the behavior of politicians is not always responsible and strictly corresponding to the letter of the law. "And what does this lead to? Commercial wars, chaos, and so on, when we, above all politicians, dominate the law, legal acts that are recognized in the world, at the interstate level, over those agreements that are concluded and have the force of law in one or another state, "he said." These are conflicts, these are wars in various regions. If this continues, we will come to a new world war. I think this will be the last war. " In order to prevent such a development of events, to preserve peace and stability, it is necessary to strictly observe the norms of legislation at all levels. “International law and domestic laws must be observed. Belarus is not just ready for this, but always calls for it and will always do so that there is peace and stability in the world,” concluded the President. Belarus is an associate member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission) since 1994. The country's cooperation with this international structure contributes to objectively informing representatives of the European constitutional courts, the Council of Europe and the European Union about the modern development of the legal system of Belarus, allows you to take into account European experience in the protection of human rights and freedoms, to receive relevant and objective information about the ongoing processes in constitutional law in various states. The European Commission for Democracy through Law is an independent advisory body of the Council of Europe. Its task is to implement the principles of the rule of law and democracy, as well as the study of problems related to the functioning, strengthening and development of democratic institutions. The members of the Venice Commission are 47 Council of Europe member states, as well as 14 non-CoE countries. In addition, five states have observer status, two more - special cooperation partner status.

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