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Makei: Belarus, EU need to ease border crossing


Belarus and the European Union need to sit down at the negotiating table and find a way to ease border crossing, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei told reporters on 4 June, BelTA has learned.
“This is only one of our many proposals to facilitate the crossing of the Belarus-EU common border. What do we need for that? First of all, the willingness of both sides,” Vladimir Makei said.
He noted that he had studied feedback on border crossing posted on forums: some people speak about issues on the Belarusian side; however, the overwhelming majority complains of delays on the European side. “We just need to sit down at the negotiating table and think of the ways to ease the border crossing procedure for forwarders and individuals. People should not wait for 10-15 hours and even the entire day, especially on holidays, to cross the border,” the minister believes.
Border infrastructure upgrade needs financial resources, among other things. Belarus has done a lot in this field already, Vladimir Makei noted.
“We just need to sit down with our partners and find a solution together with all interested parties, including border guards, customs services and representatives of appropriate ministries,” Vladimir Makei said.

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