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Government ready to conclude Belarus' WTO accession negotiations by June 2020


The government is ready to conclude the negotiations on the accession of Belarus to the World Trade Organization before the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference in June 2020, Belarus' First Vice Prime Minister Aleksandr Turchin as he met with WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo in Geneva, BelTA learned from the press service of the government.
Aleksandr Turchin thanked the secretariat for the assistance in advancing the negotiations, including in part of the preparation of materials for the meetings of the Working Party and the updated road map of the negotiating process. Belarus' first vice prime minister stressed the government's willingness to move along the proposed plan to conclude the negotiations on the accession of Belarus to the organization before the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference in June 2020. Aleksandr Turchin said that Belarus is the largest economy of all acceding countries, therefore, believes that the accession of Belarus will be beneficial to all WTO members and the organization itself.
Roberto Azevedo praised the efforts of the Belarusian government to advance the negotiation process, noting that the country is in the strategic focus of the organization for early membership. The director general assured that he personally and the WTO Secretariat are ready to continue to provide assistance to Belarus in this direction.
Aleksandr Turchin also met with head of Belarus' Working Party, Ambassador Kemal Madenoglu of Turkey. Aleksandr Turchin thanked Ambassador Kemal Madenoglu for the quality work to advance the negotiating process. He also reported on the steps taken by the Belarusian government in this direction. The parties also discussed the agenda of the 12th Belarus' Working Party due in Geneva on 11 July.
On 9 July Aleksandr Turchin met with WTO Deputy Director General Alan Wolff. The parties discussed the outcome of the implementation of the agreements reached during the visit of the WTO deputy director general to Minsk in November 2018. Alan Wolff reported on the current trends in the work of the WTO and expressed willingness to continue to assist Belarus in the early conclusion of negotiations on accession to the organization.

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