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Lukashenko wants Belarusian People's Congress to work out national development strategy


The Belarusian People's Congress should become a venue for a genuine dialogue about the development of the strategy to guide the country's development. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the government conference held on 27 October to discuss preparations for the 6th Belarusian People's Congress, BelTA has learned.

A regulatory act on preparing the 6th Belarusian People's Congress and on setting up the relevant organizing committee was submitted for consideration of the head of state. “Before I sign the document, I would like to discuss certain aspects of the forthcoming most important political event with you,” Aleksandr Lukashenko explained.

He stressed that the Belarusian People's Congress is a special form of the rule of the people in the country. The forum will have to determine how the state will develop in the future.

Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that the Belarusian government had always consulted with the people before making fateful decisions.

“I've said it many times and would like to repeat once again: everything will be the way the Belarusian nation decides. Including the Constitution and ways to address problems. These are not just empty words. It is my oath. At the end of my presidential life I guarantee that everything will be in accordance with the nation's decisions. We are not going to hunt mice or create something to suit our own needs. Things will be the way people decide,” he stated.

Aleksandr Lukashenko believes that it is necessary to stipulate the status of the Belarusian People's Congress in the Constitution. “This form of ‘people's creative work' should be part of the Constitution. Not to suit needs of some individuals. Individuals are not the point,” he remarked. “Five congresses have already been held and nobody has said they have been harmful. This norm should be part of the Constitution. By the way, I've already received proposals like that from dialogue platforms. I support the idea but it is up to the people to decide it.”

Summing up results of the country's social and economic development over the last five years will be high on the agenda of the forthcoming congress. For instance, great accomplishments were secured in the development of the agribusiness in this period. This year's harvest of cereals is close to 10.5 million tonnes. “Well done. It is a very good level. We've reached it and we have to maintain it regardless of who the president is. Then we will have bread, milk, and people will be fed,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

He continued: “Life goes on, the country works and develops. Despite all kinds of ultimatums issued by outside forces (primarily our neighbors). Enterprises, transport, and retail operate calmly.”

According to the president, the government takes the necessary steps for things to continue in this manner. “People work, live, and demand a safe life. At last people, particularly in Minsk, have come to appreciate what they may lose. They want things to be the way they were prior to the presidential election. It will be done. We have to satisfy this demand of the people. By all possible legal means,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

“The key task we should set before participants of the congress is working out modern, effective, and really functioning mechanisms that will help us resolve the problems that impede economic growth,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

He mentioned the important role dialogue platforms being held all over the country play in this matter. Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out it is necessary to organize discussions not only at the level of specialists, parliamentarians, representatives of government agencies. It is necessary to hear out opinions and proposals of worker collectives and ordinary citizens. “We will get a large part of our society involved in the discussion of burning issues like that. It is what these dialogue platforms are all about,” he explained.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also gave instructions to pay close attention to the election of delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress. “We need representatives of absolutely all the population strata, who want to say something, want to be heard and know how to listen, representatives of all the social and professional groups, public organizations, members of the parliament and members of municipal councils of deputies. Not only executives but blue-collar workers, farmers, those who know and feel all problems of ordinary people firsthand,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “We need a genuine dialogue to work out the strategy to guide the country's development. We want people to openly discuss things. We will make decisions and will abide by them.”

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