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Lukashenko wants Academy of Sciences' work scrutinized


It is necessary to seriously analyze the work of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the government conference held on 20 October to discuss the improvement of the system of planning and overseeing the implementation of strategic projects, BelTA has learned.

The head of state pointed out that an entire network of research institutes focusing on various areas has evolved in Belarus over the course of 30 years. There are also the State Committee on Science and Technology and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. But the president said he wants a comprehensive inspection of the academy's work: “The Academy of Sciences should be subjected to most serious analysis. I hope to god that everything is the way the head of the academy tells us: they make everything starting with drones and ending with milk powder products that they sell to China. They make everything. We will see whether it is true. I mean electric vehicles and so on.”

Continuing the conversation about the work of Belarusian scientists, Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that their studies, analytical work, projections concerning scientific and technological advance for decades to come are certainly necessary. “But one has to admit that for some reason the real sector of the economy is not really eager to use works of the scientists in large numbers. Not all the new R&D products are assimilated by the manufacturing sector,” the president said. In his words, not very many truly breakthrough projects have been implemented in this period.

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