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Lukashenko explains whether information technologies can replace humans


Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave an answer to the question whether information technologies can replace a human being as he met with youth activists on 24 October, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I may be exceedingly conservative in this regard. Nothing will ever be able to replace a person.”

At the same time he remarked that artificial intelligence is coming into use and has already replaced people in many areas. It is impossible to do without information technologies these days.

In particular, the president mentioned the military sector where robots and unmanned aerial vehicles already fight on battlefields without human input. “And they are very dangerous. We are trying to modernize, remodel our army once again. And we use the experience of [Russia's] special military operation [in Ukraine] among other things,” he said.

The information technology industry develops along various avenues in Belarus. The head of state was the man behind the idea of setting up the Hi-Tech Park back in the day.

“Our IT sector is also very well-developed in the companies that make various goods,” the president remarked.

Including in agriculture and animal husbandry: “We have already created dairy complexes where only robots are used instead of milk maids. These technologies powered by IT sector have penetrated all the industries. We have an unmanned tractor already.”

“They are penetrating everything. But it is impossible to replace a human being, particularly in close contact with nature. Information technologies are necessary. But I don't think it is possible to replace people in this sphere,” the Belarusian leader added.

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