
223927, Минская область,
г. Копыль, пл. Ленина, 6

Режим работы


Режим работы
понедельник-пятница с 8.30 до 17.30,
обед с 13.00 до 14.00 (приём обращений от граждан и юридических лиц - с 8.00)
суббота-воскресенье - выходной

Режим работы службы «одно окно»:
понедельник-вторник с 8.00 до 17.00,
среда с 8.00. до 20.00
четверг-пятница с 8.00. до 17.00
обеденный перерыв с 13.00 до 14.00
Суббота с 9.00 до 13.00

Прием граждан по вопросам осуществления административных процедур


+375 (1719) 28-2-60

Единый телефонный номер
справочной службы "одно окно":


Телефон «горячей линии»:

+375 (1719) 28-2-60


+375 (1719) 55-2-41



Minsk oblast to build two small hydropower plants in 2010


MINSK, 26 November (BelTA) – Two small-capacity hydropower plants will be built in the Minsk oblast in 2010, BelTA learned from Nikolai Gritsuk, Director General of Minskmeliovodkhoz, a state company specializing in building and operating meliorative and waterworks facilities. One of them will be located on the Gaina River in Logoisk, the other one – on the Bobr River in Krupki. The capacity of the two power plants will be 60kW and 100kW. At present the design enterprise Belgiprovodkhoz is completing the design and budget documentation for building the installations. Nikolai Gritsuk said that the program for building small hydropower plants in the Minsk oblast was adopted by the Minsk oblast administration in 2001. Minskmeliovodkhoz is the general customer while Belgiprovodkhoz is the general designer. Since then seven small hydropower plants have been built in the Minsk oblast, with the total capacity of 800kW. In 2001-2008 such hydropower plants were commissioned as Dubrovskaya (Smolevichi region, Dubrovskoye storage lake), Soligorskaya (Soligorsk region, Soligorskoye storage lake), Voiskovskaya (the Dvinosa River, Logoisk region), Sakovshchinskaya (the Zapadnaya Berezina River, Volozhin region). The Gorenichskaya small hydropower plant (the Kleva River, Berezino region), Sychevichskaya small hydropower plant (the Rybchanka River, Molodechno region), Zhodinskaya small hydropower plant (the Plisa River, Smolevichi region) have been commissioned this year. БЕЛТА

Источник: minsk-region.gov.by

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